Contribution In Kind


Be Kind. Contribute in kind. Be Kind Enough.

As we say, Share. Joyously share.

What you have in excess or spare

Just share

Spread a little joy and just a little happiness.

  • Note books, school bags, T-Shirts, shoes, umbrellas….
    Contribute these and enrich education of disadvantaged children.

  • Clothes, furniture, cutlery, water cooler, winter clothing….
    Contribute these and you help brightening up a below poverty line home.

  • Old and new laptops, desktops, mobile phones….
    Contribute these and see kids and young students learn computer basics and stay connected.

  • Bicycles, an old car, scooter, motorcycle….
    Contribute these and empower the parents of children studying in school for work and transportation to schools.

Kindly remember:

  • All items you share are in good working condition.

  • Donations in kind are not eligible for any income tax exemption.

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